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Why MyFitnessPal?

"Thanks to MyFitnessPal, I've rolled back 26 years of weight gain and discovered a life I thought was gone forever."

John Kilpatrick (jmkpublic)

"Every pound I lose gives me more confidence, and makes me feel like I can do anything. MFP gave me a life back that I truly believed I had lost."

Christine Hannon (hchristine)

"I can honestly say that finding this website has been the best thing to happen to me in my life..."

Cassie Bailey (superstarcassie)

Watch one of our members featured on the Today Show!

Tamara, a 31 year old mother of two, weighed 278 pounds at her all time high. One busy morning, she got off from work early to celebrate her daughter's birthday. But by the time she got to the party, she was so exhausted that her husband had to handle the party by himself. It was that day that she decided to do something about her weight. Tamara's friend April asked her to check out MyFitnessPal, and our free app and website helped her lose 141 pounds.

MyFitnessPal really works!

"MFP has been instrumental to my weight loss. I've tried countless times to lose weight but nothing worked. Anything restrictive and I would just gain the weight right back. But MyFitnessPal really works. MFP makes counting calories SO easy. I log onto my iPhone app every day and I'm proud to say I haven't missed a single day of logging in. The community aspect on this site is amazing and I've made some really great friends throughout this journey. I can't wait to continue losing weight with MFP!"

Juliette Willson (julwills)

It's easier than you think

"My trainer recommended MyFitnessPal to me, but I was concerned that it would be too time consuming and difficult to use...But it's easy! After a few days, it's just a couple of clicks and you're done! If you're serious about fitness or weight loss or eating better, MFP is an excellent way to keep you in check and on track."

Christina C. (chrisec)

Over 4 million foods in our database

"MyFitnessPal has made a tremendous difference in my life! I love the vast database of food. The huge food database makes it almost impossible to NOT find a food that you're eating. The recipe counter makes it so much easier to track the nutrition in homemade meals and the exercise tracker lets me see the amount of calories I've worked off for the day. With MyFitnessPal's help, I've lost 75 lbs and I'm still going! I feel like a whole new woman!"

Nicole Schroeder (schro151)